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manno corporation clubhouse project


History of The Manno Corporation

Established in 1997 and with over 30,000 completed units to our credit, The Manno Corporation performs large, production commercial and residential painting projects nationwide. We specialize in multi-family and student housing projects, and are 100% woman owned and operated with membership to the Women’s Business Enterprise Council (WBEC.)

The Manno Corportatiion is licensed in most states that require specialty licenses for painting contractors, and are registered with the Secretaries of State in 17 states.

The Manno Corporation counts among our repeat clients some of the nation’s largest, most respected real estate developers including: Trammell Crow Company, Debartolo Development, Odyssey Residential Holdings, L.P, and Flournoy Construction Company.

Known by our clients and peers for our professionalism and attention to project scheduling and coordination, we at the Manno Corporation are recognized for our ability to work fast without compromising quality. In fact, we have never missed a turn date and have never been supplemented.

Please call our Atlanta office for a reference list: 770-908-9343.

Thank you for visiting our site. We look forward to working with you.






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